Financial 援助 Disbursement

The HSU Office of Financial 援助 is responsible for determining aid eligibility and awarding all possible financial aid to our students. Disbursement is the process by which financial aid is applied 致学生’s university account. Disbursement of financial aid posts after the school’s census date (eighth class day) of each long semester, provided all disbursement requirements are satisfied.

Financial aid disbursement dates vary by school. You can learn more about financial aid posting dates by viewing the 业务办公室 FAQ page, “When are the posting dates for financial aid and what happens if my financial aid awards are more than my semester charges”.

Loan proceeds will be disbursed only after the student is registered and all loan documents are received (including Entrance Counseling and MPNs, 如适用). 欲知详情,请浏览

Private alternative loan funds are disbursed by the lender to HSU by means of EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or paper check. These funds will not credit the student account until received from the lender.

Financial aid disbursed to a student’s account that exceeds the amount of the semester bill may generate a 退款 致学生.

Account Statements

HSU issues account statements for each semester of enrollment. Financial aid may appear as temporary credit on the account statement before the semester begins. This is referred to as “pending or anticipated financial aid”.  The Financial 援助 Office uses transmittal rules to confirm eligibility and prevent posting if ineligible.